Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Metal Reactivity: Periodic Trends Lab

What we did today:

First We watched videos on how the Alkali Earth metals [Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, and Francium(Francium excluded because it is illegal to obtain)] react with water. These were their reactions...

Li- Floats gives off H2 gas in reaction to water

Na- Similar reaction to water as Lithium ,but reacts more vigorously

K- Gives off flame with reaction to water

Rb- Similar to potassium ,but more violent

Cs- Cesium gives off a violent explosion with reaction to water

After the videos we were asked what trend that might be noticed as we go farther down the Alkali earth family column and the answer was they were more violent in reacting with water.

Next we were ask to describe the appearences of magnesium and aluminum.

Mg- Dull strip of metal

Al- Thin metal sheet

We were then asked what happens when they are ignited.

Mg- Sparkles with a blinding white light

Al- Shrivles

Todays Lab:

In todays lab we repeated what we saw previously in the day(combining the Alkali earth metals with water). Your data table should have similar if not the same information as the the data you collected from watching the video previous in the class period.

Post Lab Questions: (Answers)

1. Is a shiny metal more or less reactive? (Shiny metals are less reactive)

2. Which metal was most reactive in the air? (Calcium)

3. Rank the metals in order of most reactive with water to least reactive. (Ca,Al,Mg)

4. Which metal reacted to produce the most OH ions? (Calcium)

5. Rank the metals in order of most reactivity with water to least reactivity with HCl. N/A

6. Rank the four metals in this lab from the most reactivity to the least reactivity. (Ca,Al,Mg)

7. What can you conclude about the reactivity of metals as you move down a column or group? (Reacts more vigorously).
8. What can you conclude about the metals as you go across the periodic table? (More reactive)

9. N/A

Don't forget to look at your schedule to see what the homework is.

That concluded the day and the next scriber will be Brandon

1 comment:

  1. thank you it helped alot with the metals and i loved the videos that day!
