Saturday, September 11, 2010

Friday September 10, 2010

Today in class we started off my going over unit conversions on page 11. A problem that we did in class was this, If a glacier flows at a rate of 32.5 feet per year, what is its speed in cm per hour?
1.To start to solve this problem you must put 32.5ft over one year.
2.Then multiply this by 12in over 1 ft and then the feet cancel out.
3.Next multiply 2.54cm over 1in and then the inches cancel out.
4.Then multiply 1year over 365 days, the year will cancel out with the year from the first step of the problem.
5 And finally you multiply 1 day over 24 hours, but to get the answer you have to multiply all the numbers on top and then divide by all of the numbers on the bottom. Once you do that you get .113 and thats your answer.

After we went over conversions, Mr. Paek showed us how to get on Web assign, which is the homework. To get to Web assign go to your moodle account. From there go to chemistry with Mr. Paek, and then press on the Web Assign Link. A quicker way to get there is to just go to Once you get to Web Assign you sign in. It will say institution and there you put then your password AND your username will be your id number. Once you get into web assign there are a number of assignments that are all due the day before the test. Most of them we have already learned but some of them we haven't. F0r the web assigns the questions that have more then 2 answers, you get only 2 guesses on. And for the questions with only 2 answers you only have one guess. Once you are done with an assignment you press submit and it will tell you all the questions you got right. During class we went to the computer lab and worked on web assigns for the rest of the period.


  1. The way you explained it helped alot. I like how you went over the steps

  2. I liked how elaborate you were in explaining the conversion problem. It helped a lot.

  3. hey kimmmy, this was really helpful. i liked how you gave the username and told us how to sign in to the webassign. i kind of forgot how to do it, and i just came to your post and it was there thanks.
