Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday September 8, 2010

Today in class, we finished our labs working on density that we started yesterday. Next, Mr. Paek showed us a demo by using gas, a special type of soap, and a long stick with fire on the end. He had a volunteer shake and pinch on the tube from where the gas was coming from in order to make the soap from inside the beaker rise into the air as a bubble. Once it did, he poked the stick on fire at the rising bubble and a big burst of flames came from the air.

After the demo, Mr. Paek reviewed with us about finding the density of certain objects, and the ntaught us about using Unit Analysis. This means that the units in the numerator and the denominator cancel out so then another unit used will replace its spot. For example, if we are trying to figure out the number of seconds in 1 day, then we would write out the equation like this: 1 day/1 x 24 hrs/1 day x 60 min/ 1 hr x 60 sec/ 1 min = 24 x 60 x 60= 86,400 sec in 1 day. This works because the units day, hrs, and min cancel out which leave sec as the remaining unit for the final answer.

Since we didn't do so well on the last section of the quiz we took last week, we have a quiz on friday covering the same material. So our only homework for tonight is to study measuring the volume of water in graduated cylinders and note cards, and make sure you make 1 guess.

1 comment:

  1. i liked the way you explained Unit Analysis it really helped me to understand it better.
