Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, 8.30.10

                Today in class we did an alka-seltzer lab. We had to come up with the problem (what we needed to find out), a hypothesis (an “if..then..” statement predicting what we thought would happen), the independent, dependent, and control variables for the experiment, and a step by step procedure. After we found that, we could begin the actual testing.
                Our group tested for how quickly the film canister exploded when different amounts of water were placed inside. We also crushed up our alka-seltzer to create more surface area which would make the canister explode more quickly.

Problem: Finding out how quickly a film canister explodes when ½ of a crushed alka seltzer is added to different amounts of water.
Hypothesis: If we put less water in or crush up the alka-seltzer, the film canister will explode more quickly.
Independent Variable: Amount of water in the canister
Dependent Variable: Speed of the explosion
Control Variables: Canister size and the amount of crushed alka-seltzer
1)      Fill the container with water
2)      Put in ½ of a crushed alka-seltzer tablet
3)      Close cap
4)      Flip canister upside down
5)      Time how long it takes to explode
1)      ¼ filled with water + ½ of a crushed alka-seltzer – 6:50
2)      ½ filled with water + ½ of a crushed alka-seltzer – 13:14
3)      ¾ filled with water + ½ of a crushed alka-seltzer – 16:30
4)      Fully filled with water + ½ of a crushed alka-seltzer – 9:67
Conclusion: Besides when the canister is full, the more water there is in the canister, the longer it takes for it to explode.

When the whole class was finished with the lab, we had some extra time at the end of class so Mr. Paek showed us some more cyber bullying videos.

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