Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday 9.1.10

Today during the first 30 minutes of class we finished our measurement lab by measuring five objects three of which had to be a jumbo paper clip, a piece of paper (the long way), and your height. The other two were students choice. We measured these in centimeters. The next step of the lab was to weigh the objects. This had to be done in grams. You had to weigh a jumbo paper clip, a piece of paper, and two objects of your choice. The final step of the lab was to measure the temperature. You had to find the room temperature, and then you had to do two different measures by filling up a beaker of water and finding its temperature.

          For the next 20 minutes of class we learned about the significant figure rule. The significant figure rule has four parts. 1. Digits other than zero are always significant. 2. Zeros between non-zero digits are always significant. 3. Any final zero after a decimal point is significant. Zeros used solely for spacing the decimal point (place holders) are not significant. We then filled out a little piece of paper based on how many significant figures were in each of the measurements. 

          On Friday we will be having a quiz on measurements. There was not any homework for tonight.


  1. Your definitions of the "sig figs" rule really help me understand better on what exactly it is. It helps a lot. Thanks Paul!

  2. you used alot of detail. It helped me remember what we did that day.
