Thursday, January 27, 2011

Announcements : No Announcements Today.

Homework: None. You should have pages 1-8 already completed.

Today In Class : We did not do much in class. To start of class we grabbed pages 9-35 and taped them in our journals. The pages went about two pages per paper. Before taking the first quiz out of 7, we reviewed a little bit. we talked about how to convert grams molecules atoms and moles. We then took the quiz.

There is a total of 7 quizzes. each worth 7 points. 49 points possible. if you get 7 perfect scores you will receive extra credit. also if you receive 5 perfect you will get extra credit but a little less. same goes for 6 perfect scores. You will need to get at least one perfect score to take the end test.

To end class we had a power point on stoich. for the power point we worked on page 10.

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