Sunday, December 12, 2010
We will be having our second quiz next week, test on Thursday, and a party on Friday
Today we did a single replacement reactoins lab. We had four substances: Mg(NO3)2, Cu(NO3)2, Zn(CO3)2, and Ag(NO3)2. We also had three metals: Zinc, Magnesium, and Copper. We tested all three metals reactions in all four substances. Our goal was to put in order the most reactive metal to the least reactive metal. In addition, we know that all chemical reactions between the metals and substances were to be considered single replacement reactions were one element takes another's place. We made a data table to find the most reactive. We found four single replacement chemical reactions and we solved and balanced their outcomes:
Then we concluded that Magnesium was more reactive than Zinc because it had more violent reactions with the substances. So the order was Magnesium, Zinc, and Copper.
Chemical Reactions
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
- Quiz tomorrow on balancing
- Possibly a quiz on Friday so be ready
- Test on the last Thursday before break
What We Did In Class
Today in class we first went over the homework we had the night before, which was pages 8 and 9. If you didn't do it, you probably should. It's good practice. We asked questions about it in class and got many questions cleared up. We then basically reviewed of what we learned yesterday, and elaborated more on each subject. We went over single replacement (p. 13), double replacement (p. 14), Decompostion (p. 15), synthesis (p. 16 &17), and Combustion (p. 17).
Before I describe anything we did today for you, I want you to know 1 trick that is needed every time this happens. Whenever the elements Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Florine appears alone in an equation, always put a 2 after it. This is how it is used in nature so it is needed in the writing part too. A way to remember this is HONClBrIF and sound it out.
When going over single replacement, you need to find out which elements are positive or negative ions. If there are 2 positives and 1 negative, then you switch the negative from the one positive to the other. And then of course, balance it out. For example, if you had the formula: ZnS+ O2--->_____. Zn is positive, S is negative, and O is negative. So therefore, on the other side, it would be ZnO2 +S. But then you would have to balance it. So on the right side it would be 2ZnO because on the left it says there are 2 atoms of O (O2). And since I had to change that on the right, on the left it would be 2ZnS, which means on the right I would change it to 2S.
For double replacement, you do the exact same thing as single, except there will be 2 positive ions and 2 negative ions. So you would just swap them and balance them out again.
When doing decomposition, one compound splits up into 2 different ones. For example AB---> A + B. When using elements, an example would be HgO---> Hg + O2. or MgCl2---> Mg + Cl2. Make sure to balance them at the end.
Synthesis is the exact opposite of decomposition. Just put them back together. A + B---> AB. An example using elements would be K + Cl2---> KCl. Mg + O2---> MgO. Make sure that they're balanced at the end.
Finally, we have combustion. This is when there is a carbon atom, hydrogen atom, and oxygen atom all in the same equation. The answer for every single one would be CO2 + H2O no matter what. But the hard part about this is balancing them out. The easiest and smartest way to do this is by using the CHO rules. This is the order of balancing out the equation. Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. CHO. You won't forget.
Page 10 in your journal
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Chem thinks tomorrow.
In class today we started our new unit that has to do with Atom counting and balancing atomic equations. First is Atomic counting, it is something that we did in the begging of the year if you have an equation with 2c + 2H2 you draw two seperate C's and draw two H's together and have two of those. We also learned atomic counting, a couple examples of this are
1. 3 N2O + N2 N: 8 O: 3
2. 5 Ca(NO3)2 + 2 O2 Ca: 5 N: 10 O: 34
3. 5 C3H8O + 3 CO2 C:18 H:40 O: 11
The first number tells you how many molecules there are, the next number tells you how many of that type of atom are in that molecule. So you do the math from there.
The last thing we learned is balancing atomic equations. For example: 4 Li + 02-------2 Li20, you first find how much of each atom is in the both sides of the equation to see if there even, so in the equation above, there is 4 Li on the left side and 4 on the right, there is 2 O on the left and 2 O on the right, so this equation is right already you just have to show how you counted them. There are equations where you must show work: example: Al + Pb(NO3)2----- Al(NO3)3 + Pb, so your first step is to see how many Al are on each side, which they are equal.. so then you take the next atom which is Pb, that is equal.. so then you take the next atom which is NO3 and they are not the same, so you have to multiply the right side by 2 and the left by three, which makes it uneven again because the left side has 3Pb now so you have to multiply the left sides Pb by 3, and it is still uneven because the right side had 2 Al so you have to multiply the left sides Al by 2.. so your final equation is... 2Al + 3Pb(NO3)3----- 2Al(NO3)3 + 3Pb. And that is how you do balancing... you can do extra work on pg. 8 and 9
the next scriber will be..... Robert Maxwell Cohen.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Homework- Do the analysis questions from today's lab. Look over your labs to study for the test.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday, November15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010
11-10-10 11-14-10
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
8.1 - 8.2 Molecular Compounds/ Covalent Bonding
Chapter 8 Summary
Chapter 8 Summary
Section 8.1 describes what molecules and molecular compounds are. Molecules that are monatomic are consisted of only single atoms. Molecular compounds are only between non-metals. Another topic is that it tells us what a covalent bond is. It is formed by a pair of electrons by two atoms.
Section 8.2, it shows and teaches us about how covelant bonds are formed, and what type of bonds it can form. It shares that covalent bonds' electrons usually occur so that atoms attain the electron confliguration of the noble gases. An example of this would be a pair of hydrogen atoms to form a hydrogen molecule, which will attain the electron confliguration of helium, which is a noble gas and has 2 electrons. A single covelant bond joins 2 atoms which are held together by a pair of electrons. An example of how this could be written is H:H where the colon is represented by the shared electrons. Another way of writing the same formula is H-H. When there is a dash, you are writing a structural formula. It may be confusing when writing this because a similar symbol is H2. The difference is that H2 means that there are two molecules in the atom Hydrogen. H-H or H:H means that there is a covalent bond connecting two different atoms which are sharing electrons. They are drawn for molecules of compounds The opposite of this is called an unshared pair, when a pair of valece (outer) electrons that are not shared between atoms. This is also known as a lone pair or a nonbonding pair. Using dot structure can be used between 2 different atoms. Let's say we are trying to figure out dot structure for ammonia (NH3). All that would happen would have N in the middle and have the 3 H's around it. These sections have done very well explaining what it had to teach.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010
Oct 29, 2010
In class today we learned about naming and writing formulas for ionic compounds. The chart below shows some Polyatomic Ions.

- You have to treat these as One Thing.
Ex) write the formula for elements:

Follow steps for naming and writing formulas for ionic compounds.
1)Find the name of each element
2)Write metal first
- If the first elements are in the transition column; Sn, Pb and D-block elements; then, you use roman numerals in the name of an ionic compound.
3) Write non-metal next
- For step 3, the non-metal ends with – ide.
Ex) carbon→carbide - When you have a polyatomic ion you write the given names of them.
Ex) CaCO → calcium carbonate
Upcoming event!
We have Quizzes on Monday through Wednesday! Prepare for these quizzes!.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, 10/28/2010
We learned that by looking at the periodic table you could detemine weather or not an atom is a metal or a non-metal Be is a metal. Also we learned that metals form positive ions which means that it loses electrons as in Be it loses 2 electrons making its charge +2. In addition, if an atom is a non-metal then it gains electrons as in He it gains 1 electron making its charge -1. You can determine the amount of electrons an atom will be gaining/losing by looking at the periodic table or an electron configuration. We can also find the charge of an atom by comparing the amount of electrons and protons after the atom has formed an ionic bond.
Ionic Compounds
We learned how to predict the formula of an ionic compound. First you find the charges of the ions by them already being their or you have to find that atom on the periodic table and finding its charge when it forms an ion. Then, your goal is to make the charge of the ionic bond zero. To do this you need to either double one of the ions or find the least common dinominator. Then you write it positive ion then negative ion. Ex. K+ and O2- you want to make their overall charge zero so you have -2 from K so to even that out with a + you simply just make it K2 making the formula k2O. A more challenging problem would be when you have to add a sub number to both the positive and negative ions. Ex. Fe3+ and CO32- in order to find the formula for this ionic compound you must find the least common dinominator which in this case is 6 so you would need two Fe3+ and three CO32-. The answer for this would be 2Fe(Co3)3. You need parentheses for the Co3 because that is the original ion and you don't want to get confused with how many of that ion you need to make the ionic bond come out to zero so you NEED the perentheses. In some problems you are not going to have the charges given to you so you need to look at your periodic table and find out if the ion is positive or negative and how many electrons does it gain or lose.
Then you resume the original process. Ex. K and S K's charge is +1 and S's charge is 2-. So you need to K's to even out the one S so the formula would be this K2O.
Peter I
Period 2 Chemistry 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
October 6, 2010
In class today we learned more about how to find the electron configuration of a nuetral atom. The point of electron configuration is to find the location of the electron.
Shapes of Orbitals
There are four different shapes of orbitals
1) S-one orientation-holds 2 electrons
2)P-three orientations-holds 6 electrons
3)D-five orientations-holds 10 electrons
4)F-seven orientations-holds 14 electrons

The S block always starts as 1S
The P block always starts with 2P
The D block always starts with 3D
The F block always starts with 4F
EXAMPLE 1: If the electron configuration of a neutral atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 then....
a)How many electrons does it have?
18 electrons
(there are two ways in how to find this)
- Add all of the second numbers together (2+2+6+2+6)
- Look at the last electron configuration, which is 3p6, and find it on your periodic table.
18 protons
(Since this is a neutral atom, the electrons and the protons are the same amount)
c)Write the symbol for this atom
(You can find this on your periodic table)
EXAMPLE 2: Lets say you need to write the electron configuration of Bi (Bismuth). You have to start with 1s2 and end with 6p3(which is where bismuth is located) The way to find write the in between atoms is to read the periodic table from left to right.
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p2.
Orbital Diagram

Ionic Electron Configuration
To write the ionic electron configuration is same as usual. Except for example if they want you to write the electron configuration of O-2, then you have to find where O is, which is 2p4, and go forward 2 because you are gaining 2 more electrons, which is 2p6 and is the atom Ne (Neon)
We did pages 6, 7 and some of 11 of electron configuration.
Webassigns are due on Friday. Test is on Friday.
Page 8 of electron configuration.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
October 1, 2010
Proton- It has a positive charge and its location is in the nucleus (Remember Proton is Positive)
Neutron- Neutral, it has no charge. Its location is in the nucleus as well.
Electron- Located outside the nucleus. They have a negative charge
We also learned some stuff that has to do with the PERIODIC TABLE.
-The number located above the element's symbol is the atomic number. It represents the number of protons
-The number below the symbol is the atomic mass. That stands for the number of protons PLUS the number of neutrons.
*An atom will usually have the same number of protons and electrons. When those numbers are the same, it has no charge. The only way an atom can get a positive or negative charge is by losing or gaining electrons.
Oxygen's atomic number is 8. Therefore it has 8 protons as well as 8 neutrons. If oxygen were to GAIN 2 electrons(making its total 10 electrons), then it would have a -2 ion(charge) because it has two more electrons than protons. On the other hand, if it were to LOSE two electrons (making its total electrons be 6), then it would have a +2 ion because it has two more protons.
We learned some stuff about orbitals and relative energy and other stuff with Bohr's model, but I did not quite undestand much of that thus, I would explain it poorly. Please be sure to ask Mr. Paek about that stuff.
The purpose was to observe the recations of 7 different salts when they were exposed to fire.
PRE LAB: When electrons drop down an energy level, they give off a specific amount of energy. The energy hits our eyes, excities our neurons, and then we see color.
QUESTION: What does the term "electrons becoming excited" mean?
ANSWER: Energy is added to the electrons so they jump energy levels.
Materials: 7 salts, sticks, water, Bunsen Burner.
Procedure: 1.First we wet the stick a bit in the water
2. Then we dipped it in the salt
3. We placed it over the Bunsen Burner (while it was lit) and observed the reaction
4. Then recorded it in our table
- Li+(Lithium) Gave off a hot pink color
- Na+(Sodium) Gave off a orange color that looked like fire
- K N O3 Gave off a dull green
- K Cl Gave off a dull purple
- Sr2+ (Strontium) Was red orange
- Cu(Copper) gave off a very dull green (almost white looking)
And Cu2+ was an emerald green
At the end we has three "mystery salts" and had to figure out which ones they were based on the results of the colors we got.
Why did each metal salt give off a different color? That's because they had different numbers of electrons and they each went to different energy levels.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
- If Mr. Paek is not in class he has asked for us to be nice to the sub
- Tomorrow we will be in the computer lab or we may do a fireworks lab
- There will be a quiz sometime next week
- Page 118 #14
- Read pages 106-109
In class:
- Got 6 pages to tape into notebook (to be taped as shown)
- 2 Atomic Model pages
- 2 Atomic Structure pages
- 2 Rutherford Simulation lab pages
- Completed Rutherford Simulation lab with a partner
- Put black carbon paper upside down on top of a white sheet of paper with 6 circles with a small square in the middle of each one
- Take small yellow ball and bounce it on the carbon paper around 100 times
- Answer questions using calculator
- As a class we answered questions 1-8
- Do not use ruler - only a calculator - for these questions
- Talked about what the lab represented relative to Rutherford's experiment with the foil
- White paper: gold foil
- Circles: atom
- Marble: (+) random particles
- Squares: nucleus
- Finished questions 1-4 on back page of lab in class
Exam: 10/8
Lab Exam: 10/11
The next scriber will be Andrea.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Read pages 101-106 in the Chemistry Text Book. There is no question today.
Class Today:
The lab today was called the "Black Box Lab." You went around the lab stations trying to find out the blockade in the black circle container. It was filled with a bead and you had to figure out the blockade without opening the box. After you felt confident in your answer you had to write the numbger of the black box down and then draw what you thought the blockade was. It was extremely confusing and difficult, often leading to extremely odd answeres from some of the class members.
This however was an extremely amazing metaphor for scientists Dalton, Rutherford, Bohr and Thomson whom all tried to decide what the shape of an atom was. They didn't have any microscopes that could see anything that tiny. Hence, the "Black Box Lab."
There is going to be a quiz on all four of these scientists soon. Do the worksheet assigned today that you can use on the quiz. Take notes from the four sheets that Mr. Paek gave us and you'll be good to go.
Also, the test is on Oct. 8th and the Lab test is on Oct. 11th.
Plus, if you want to retake your Lab Test, then tell Mr. Paek what day and period you're coming in.
The next scriber will be Kaylee.
Monday, September 27, 2010
We will be having a Conversions Quiz either sometime this week or next week.
no homework was assigned today.
Our lab notebooks were handed back but Mr. Paek did not get a chance to grade them. There were 4 sheets at the front that needed to be picked up.
Those sheets included 2 pages of the Unit 2 Schedule and the other 2 included the newest lab we will be doing this week called The Black Box Lab. (Also make sure to leave an open page between the Unit 2 Schedule and the New Lab.)
Mr. Paek then mentions our Unit 1 Lab Tests and how the average of all the periods was VERY low. But on the bright side our Unit 1 Tests had very high marks. For our Lab Tests, if you decide to, you may retake them individually WITH the full 50 minutes.
The Lab Test has been improved where Mr. Paek added specific questions to guide you if you're completely lost on how to do this lab. You may retake them during lunch or after school by visiting Mr. Paek, NOT the TLC or testcenter.
Overall, the Unit 1 Tests turned out to be very good for most classes. Near the end of class Mr. Paek answered questions that we may have had relating to the Unit Tests.
Our grade reports were handed back at the end of class today. Mr. Paek decided that he would not include the grades titled 'Texting', and also 'OnMyMind'.
the next scribe will be...RAINA!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
9/21/2010 Blog
-Wed: Lab Test
-Thurs: Test, study using class blog and in-class notes
-Fri: Chem Day (same thing as Bio day, apparently better)
-Study for Lab Test, Tomorrow
-Study for Chapter Test, Thursday
-Post 2 comments on Blogger- Go to Period 2 Chem Blogs, go through the list of blogs. Select 2 of the blogs on list and comment on something about the post. Don't be too brief, suggest what can be done to make it better, or what they did a good job on.
- Complete the 4 Chem Review pages
- Complete Chapter 1-2 Review sheet
- Mr. Paek collecting journals, Thursday. Make sure no falling papers
Overview of Today:
Today in class we talked about the information listed above. Then with the remainder of class we completed the 4 pages of "Chemistry Basics Review." Some people able to complete in class, if not completed in class, then rest that was not completed is for homework. Here are the pictures of the in-class work/homework if not completed. These pages have my answers to the "Chemistry Basics Review" pages and there is no guarantee for correct answers.
Next Blogger: Rachel Mitchell (voted by class)
Monday, September 20, 2010
1. Go study off the blog
2. Mr. Paek is collecting the study guides Thursday
3. The lab test is Wednesday and the real test is on Thursday
4. web assigns are due tomorrow
5. need two comments on someones scribe post
Today in class we took a quiz, if you did not take it then go to the test center it should be in there.
The next scriber will be.... John.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Scribe List
This post can be quickly accessed from the [Links] list over there on the right hand sidebar. Check here before you choose a scribe for tomorrow's class when it is your turn to do so.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you label all your Scribeposts properly (Your display name, unit title, scribepost, and p2chem2010) or they will not be counted.
Friday 9.17.10 - Matter Lab
HOMEWORK: Webassign due Monday along with review sheet.
We worked on a matter lab. We went from station to station looking at models of different atoms and molecules etc. We had to draw what we saw then write the formula of it. Finally we described it (compound, pure substance, element etc.)
EX: Picture: Formula: Terms:
oo oo ooo, 2N2 +N3, Element, pure substance, molecule
diatomic molecules- molecules that will always be in pairs when they are alone
H O N Cl Br I F (sound out the word to remember the elements)
Ex: oxygen (O) will always be O2
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Scribepost Format
Announcements - put any here
Homework - put any here
Body: this is solely up to you how you do this. please remember, you don't do many of these - do yours the best that you can - for yourself and for your classmates. Headings in bold, pictures, videos, examples, announcements, homework are some of the elements that make for a successful post.
End with a pick of who the next scriber will be.
Labels: Need 4 of them:
- your display name
- unit name
- scribepost
- p2chem2010
Thursday 9,16,2010
- chem think is due tomorrow-17/9
- web assign is due Monday-20/9
- Quiz on Monday-20/9
- lab test Tuesday-21/9
- test - sometime during the week.
Semptember 15 2010
go to and use this code to sighup 4160-3702-9971 next set up your account. make your username your first initial and your last name.
After you sighn up click on introduction Particulate nature of matter then tutorial. After your done with the tutorial click on question set and try to get 10 right before 3 wrong for credit.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday 9.14.2010
- atom - most basic unit of matter
- molecule - group of atoms help together by a chemical bond
- element - made up of single type of atom
- compound - molecule made up of more than one kind of atom
Then we did a couple of problems from the worksheet to furthermore explain the difference of these four terms and learn to distinguish them.
In this problem we had to decide for the each of the atomic level diagrams whether they are elemets or compounds and consisting of either atoms or molecules.
Then we defined two more terms:
- pure substance - all the same
- mixture - has different kinds
To get a better understanding of what these terms we did another problem from the worksheet.
We also learned how to write formulas for atomic level pictures.
After that we practiced drawing the atomic level pictures according to the formulas that were given.
Then we had even more practice with writing the formulas and descriptions for the atomic level pictures and also drawing the atomic level pictures based on the formulas.
Once we were done with everything, we had some time to just talk to other people untill it was time to go to the fall sports assembly.