Monday, November 22, 2010


Announcements- Lab Test tomorrow.

Homework- Do the analysis questions from today's lab. Look over your labs to study for the test.

In class today we did the Polarity Olympics lab.

-Part one- Solubility.

In this part of the lab, we want to see if hexane, ethanol, pentanol, methanol, butanol, and acetone mix with water.
~This is what it looks like if it does not mix with water. There is a split between the different solutions.
After we do this, We see if it mixes immediately. If it does not mix we have to put a stopper on the test tube, shake it, and then see if it mixes then.
-Hexane- Does not mix immediately, Does not mix after shaking.
-Ethanol- mixes immediately, It stays mixed after shaking.
-Pentanol- Does not mix immediately, Does mix after shaking.
-Methanol- Does not mix immediately, Does mix after shaking.
-Butanol- Does not mix immediately, Does mix after shaking.
-Acetone- mixes immediately, Stays mixed after shaking.
-Part two- Volatility and Surface Tension
In this part of the lab we want to see which solution spreads faster and which solution evaporates the fastest. What we do is we put a drop of each liquid on the lab table and see which one spreads more and which one evaporates faster. 7th being spreads out the least and evaporates the slowest.
Liquid Spreading rank Evaporating rank
-water 7 7
-hexane 1 2
-ethanol 5 4
-pentanol 6 3
-methanol 4 5
-butanol 3 6
-acetone 2 1
The liquids that spread out more are non polar and the liquids that spread out the least are polar because the atrraction is has on the solution gets the solution closer together and holds it together more. Also if something is more polar, then it will evaporate the slowest because sticks more together to the table. That is why hexane evaporates faster, it is because it is non polar and there is no attraction to it that holds it down and together.
The next scriber will be Mahak =]

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