Thursday, November 18, 2010


Announcements: Chem day tomorrow 11/19/10 in the lyceum
Quiz on Monday
Lab test on Tuesday
Homework: None

In the beginning of class we learned about polar and non-polar molecules. Polar molecules can not be split while non-polar can. If the molecule is bent it will always be polar. Just because it has polar bond does not mean it is a polar molecule.

The Lab: In the lab we put drops of water and hexane on a penny. The penny was able to hold more drops of water than hexane because it is a polar molecule. Polar molecules like to clump together because of the opposite charges within itself attract each other.

We also put drops of water and hexane in a watch glass and then put a thin glass tube (called a capillary tube) upright and covered the top of the tube so the liquids would go up the tube. The water went up further and stayed in the same spot when we tipped the tube back and forth. While the hexane didn't go up as far and would move around when tilted. Since the water molecule stayed in the same spot, the glass molecules are polar. This is because it attracted the water which is polar and did not attract the hexane because it it non-polar and likes attract likes.

In the last part of the lab we drew two lines on a watch glass. One of the lines was with a transparency marker and the other with a permanent marker. When we use the cotton swab with water on it the transparency line came off and the color leaked onto the swab. It also cleaned up all of the permanent line. Then we drew two more lines on a watch glass and put hexane on a different cotton swab. When we wiped the transparency line it did not come off and the line stayed on the watch glass. When we wiped the swab on the permanent line it came off. The ink in transparency marker is polar because the water(polar) was able to be wipe up while the hexane(non-polar) was not able to pick up the transparency line.

The next scriber will be Elizabeth.

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