Wednesday, November 3, 2010


·         Practice Conversions – due next Monday (only if asked by Mr. Pak but should be done anyway)
·         Periodic Table
·         Two ChemThinks – due Wednesday
   - Atomic Structure
   - Isotope (take notes)
In Class:
·         We were given two pages to tape into our notebooks

-Electron Configuration 1 pg.6
-Electron Configuration 1 pg.7

·         We were given practice conversion sheets which if told that you needed to do them, they are due Monday.
·         Took notes from power point on Quantum Theory (see below for notes)
·         Went to the computer lab to work on the ChemThink’s.
Power Point Notes:
        Page 1-
              Quantum Theory
o   Where are the electrons?
o   Orbitals are predictions of electron location

Page 2-
       First Quantum # -n energy levels
o   1-7
o   Describes the energy
o   The larger, then more energy and usually further from the nucleus
Picture below is of electrons placed in definite orbitals (called shells) around the nucleus.


·        Test - October 8th
·         Lab Test - October 11th

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